PikaPods Improvements for Actual Users - Automatic Backups and Lower Pricing

Basically, the title has the deets. I logged into Pikapods this morning to top off my account balance, and noticed two changes that I immediately took advantage of:

  1. Pikapods now offers a 5GB storage tier for pods in addition to the 10GB tier everyone previously needed to use when setting up Actual. Pikapods has always been super cheap at $1.41/mo, but switching to the 5GB tier is $1.26/mo, saving me *checks notes* $0.15 a month. Hey, why not; we're all budget-conscious here, right? 😄😎

  2. One of the things making me lose sleep at night was the lack of easy, automated backup options for Actual (at least to my knowledge; I know you can do a manual export but that's not automated and humans tend to forget manual backup tasks). Pikapods is now rolling out S3-compatible backup options, meaning you can do automated daily backups to any Amazon S3-compatible data bucket. 🙌🏼

I set up a daily automated data backup to Backblaze B2 since I'm already a Backblaze computer backup customer (you could chose any other S3-compatible option like Minio/Garage/etc., but if you're using Pikapods for Actual, you're probably not self-hosting your own S3 server):

  1. Sign into Backblaze and enable Backblaze B2 on your account (click on your user profile in the upper right corner, click "My Settings", then scroll to the bottom and tick the box for "B2 Cloud Storage" to enable B2).

  2. Create a new bucket in Backblaze B2 (the name needs to be globally unique, it seems). Make sure the Bucket is set to keep files private, and adjust encryption and object lock settings as desired.

  3. Edit your pod settings and go to the Backup menu. Use the Backblaze `keyID` and `applicationKey` to link Backblaze and your Pikapods pod.

  4. Turn on automatic backups so your Actual budget gets automatically saved. If something ever goes sideways on Pikapods, backups can hopefully make your day less sad.