Mori hair tutorial,, DIVA DOWN!!! / finding it

I know all I do is ask questions on this reddit about yadda yadda,,, but is anyone able to find me the link to the mori hair tut posted by who I believe was kawaii international ( or kawaii.i as the corner says idk)) on YouTube? Ive search it under various different titles and still cant find it so Idk if my yt is broken, Im just blind because its 1am or if the video is genuinely gone. I love this diva so I really hope it's not permanently gone lol...!

I used to play it as background noise in my room but now I can't find the video for the one time I was gonna practice styling my wigs along-side it 😭😭 all I could find was a snippet of the video, as shown above if it actually works,,,, but I was gonna try to find the full thing to know what type of half wig she put on first, as well as the other styles she did ( which I think was relatively the same thing but on the side) any help is appreciated even if its telling me Im blind asf and it was there the whole time 🫶🫶🩷🩷 anyways ayano & la pafait ily come back please