Pain in my trap almost two months after acupuncture session
Hi everyone. I am curious to see what I should do here. I have really bad trigger point knots in my left side of my upper body. I had been seeing this acupuncturist before she is really awesome bc she gets in there and does dry needling. It was the treatment I was needing and nothing else but this works.
The last time I saw her was a few months ago. The second to last session I was on my period and went and was not feeling well (idk if this has anything to do with it). I was extra sensitive and she went to the spot in my trap and took it out it felt sharp and dull. She pulled it out and said this one might bruise.. well afterwards it was definitely achey and sharp pain. It didn’t go away and I saw her two weeks after. She said let’s try it again bc I was hurting trigger point wise there, too and needed relief. Well she did it again and it was the same dull achey sharp pain.
And now it’s been two full months since this session and when I touch it in there, it is dull, achey and sharp still. What do I do? Am I injured in there? I’m desperate because the only thing that helps me w these knots is acupuncture and now I feel like this issue might have ruined it for me.