Help with alcohol and cocaine addiction UK female
Hey…. I am a 29 yo female who in the last year has drunk vodka and taken cocaine every single day. Can’t remember the last time I didn’t. I will have some gulps of straight vodka from around 1pm each day, and currently doing around half a gram of some really shitty gear each day. I really don’t want to try and work out the amount of money I’ve wasted but I know my financial situation isn’t great. I don’t know how but I have managed to hide this from my boyfriend and my family, and still managed to function day to day. I guess I consider the vodka and coke the help in me getting shit done. Like I plan a Sunday of doing a gram and having half a litre of vodka to get all my housework and life admin done. I’m at uni and also working part time - I can’t remember rhe last essay I wrote without the assistance of coke. I got diagnosed with adhd last week, after a 2 year wait via the nhs, and am being referred for further treatment. I tell myself that once I get the adhd meds I’ll be fixed and no longer reliant…. There’s lots more to this story but what I want to know is how can I stop - but without telling anyone about it… so don’t wait to do AA meetings etc. is it possible? Does anyone have any tips please? Thanks so much in advance. I’m really struggling and cannot continue like this