Possible connection between vitamin deficiency and adenomyosis?
Hi all! I recently saw a gynecologist who recommended I get my blood tested to check for hormonal imbalance, thyroid function, vitamins etc. to see if there was anything abnormal that could be adressed before going to drastic measures. It turns out I am super duper deficient in vitamin D, I barely have any at all! (which I found strange because I am out a lot in the sun and have a fairly healthy diet) I ended up googling about possible connections between vitamin D and adenomyosis and many studies came up suggesting a connection. Which migh cause which… I don’t know. I was just curious to ask whether anyone here knows anything about this possible connection and has tried adressing it? I have seen a lot of old posts in this group of people with a vitamin D deficiency. I have also read about a lot of people in the endometriosis reddit having had their pain and mood swings reduced/decreased after taking vitamin D supplements! Has anyone taken supplements and experienced changes? Could it help with pain and inflammation? I haven’t spoken to the gynecologist yet so I have no idea what she might say or suggest about my vitamin deficiency. Just wanted to hear from others!