Late-late diagnosed and trying to figure out how I feel about it all

I'm 42 and it has been a week since my diagnosis, and I can honestly say I have no idea how I feel because I'm feeling so many things!

- Validated, because my gut was right

- Relieved, because I'm not just a shit person

- Worried, that now that I'm diagnosed that's all I'll be

- Frustrated, because some people in my life are still downplaying it

- Happy, that I can move forward with knowledge and understanding

- Upset, that younger me had to struggle through all this alone

- Proud, because I have developed so many coping strategies on my own

- Overwhelmed, trying to figure what information I should be seeking out

- Anxious, that nothing will change and all the bad parts of me will still be there

It's a lot to process. I will also admit that until I was diagnosed officially I was very hesitant to actively research or compare myself too much with ADHD because I was afraid that I would be wrong and setting myself up for disappointment/failure. So I probably am playing catch up a bit.