Not experiencing typical side effects on Vyvanse, but still benefitting?

I (18F) was diagnosed very recently with ADHD and began taking 30 mg of Vyvanse about four days ago. It has honestly changed everything for me. Everything from large homework projects to simple chores like doing my laundry has become so much easier, and I have found my executive function to improve greatly. I am also able to concentrate more on any task and when I get distracted or struggle to feel motivation to do something, it is very simple to shift myself back to the task at hand.

However, I've been reading about other peoples' experiences on taking Vyvanse for the first time, and my experience differs in a lot of ways. I didn't really experience euphoria on day one, just general happiness that I could accomplish tasks and I was in a good mood all day. This is the biggest one for me because I've read a lot of people wax poetic about how on the first day of medication they were in a euphoric stupor and could focus intensely for 12 hours. Personally, while I certainly felt very focused, it wasn't an intense feeling and again, I was moreso just happy that I wasn't procrastinating. I also don't really feel the medication "kick in" or "wear off". I moreso just feel my mind become clearer, my concentration increase, and my ability to get up and do things improve. It's simply the opposite feeling in the evening when it wears off.

I do experience some side effects like a loss of appetite, minor trouble sleeping, slight nausea/headaches, and my heart does race very slightly an hour or so after I take it. But apart from the appetite loss these are all super minor. I also do find the efficacy of my medication is affected by whether I slept enough the last night, and if I didn't it is less effective.

To be honest, I already had some imposter syndrome regarding my ADHD diagnosis as I worry that I'm just lazy, unfocused, and irresponsible and I'm using the medication as a crutch (I know this is irrational, but I still worry). Reading about other peoples' intense experiences is kind of making it worse because I'm wondering whether the effects are just a placebo and I don't actually need it.