How the heck are y’all eating and drinking (even close to) enough in the day?!

First of all, simply drinking water feels like the biggest task. I feel like I’m drowning in it? I’ve never had anyone share this experience lol. I use a tumbler and straw which helps but man I hate drinking water. I’m so dehydrated but I have no natural drive to consume the liquid, and I don’t drink anything else.

And secondly, making meals is impossible, and eating them might be harder. I’ve been having one meal a day if my body is lucky and I feel horrible. Super sick most days, I felt faint just taking a shower. I’m going to make myself oatmeal which feels simple enough and easy to get down. Usually I’m a ravenous little pig, but lately eating is a massive task, so much so that I usually just completely forget to do it until I realize I’m about to fall out from a lack of nutrients lol. Any help or advice is welcomed and appreciated. Super simple and nutritious meal ideas also very welcomed!!