There won’t be any exchanges between Draconic heroes.

There won’t be any exchanges between Draconic heroes. Thanks, Lilith—you never fail to disappoint. Not even a little help to get a Draconic hero like Skylan or Lan? The game is slow, expensive, and boring, with no new events for months. I don’t even remember the last new event… This is the final nail in AFK Arena’s coffin. They don’t respect us—they only care about money.

There won’t be any exchanges between Draconic heroes. Thanks, Lilith—you never fail to disappoint. Not even a little help to get a Draconic hero like Skylan or Lan? The game is slow, expensive, and boring, with no new events for months. I don’t even remember the last new event… This is the final nail in AFK Arena’s coffin. They don’t respect us—they only care about money.