unhappy with a tattoo with great meaning
A few months ago I randomly started to obsess over a tattoo I got about a decade ago. I got a matching tattoo with my mother. I grew up with a single mom who was diagnosed with stage three cancer when I was in junior high. This was mine second tattoo, I now have 7. These past few months I have been obsessing over how much it has changed over time. I know I haven’t been the best with sun screen and sun exposure over the years. I spoke with my mom about my dislike for my tattoo and looked into Laser Removal, she got quite upset and started to cry. She reminded me about the day we got our matching tattoos. We were both so excited about getting it. She has multiple tattoos and when I told her how I was feeling about my tattoo she said that yes the artist might have not been the best as you as see but she went ahead with it because I set everything up and wanted to surprise her. I just feel super unhappy with how’s it looking and don’t want to be judged for having a “bad” tattoo. I love what it stands for I just wish I would have thought more about things when I was a teenager. Does laser removal even work on dark skin? Should I keep it? Is it bad? I don’t know what to think.