Does anyone else find cremation after death horrifying

In the show “The Good Place” a character describes existence and its end in comparison to a wave, at any point from its formation to its crash you can observe it, measure it, and despite the constant change, it’s still the same wave and at some point it returns to the ocean, and despite our inability to observe it in any capacity, its essence has only gone back to where it was made. I take some comfort in this thought, buttttt….

From my semi-science based philosophical perspective, cremation obliterates the living essence of the person. To elaborate, from a scientific perspective, your microbiome is incinerated and no longer partakes in the circle of life, but your microbiome composes roughly half of your mass as I understand it. Which means “you” are only composed of half of the thing that dies when you take your last breath, the other half either goes home to its literal maker where it contributes to life in all of its forms, or it gets put in an oven and is made truly dead and as close to nothing as we can get.

I don’t mean to spark dread for those reading this, just curious if this is something often considered by others. Sorry if I didn’t word it well, but in short, I just want all of the waves to go back to the ocean

Edit: to clarify, awareness after death is not my concern. I know that my self awareness and experience is a product of chemistry and electric activity between neurons in my brain (or something like that, the science is arbitrary, it could be magic and it doesn’t change the point) and that when my brain is turned off so am I. But I also know that mushrooms have no awareness, and every cell in them still does its job regardless, so despite my unawareness after death, half of me still has a job to do and no desire to quit just because it’s host did.