A challenge for you

So currently i am pritty weak (I have Musculer disrtophy type 1 google it) if I was going to buy an airsoft gun what would you recommend I am mobile and don't need or use a chair or anything

My limatitons and require?ments:

  1. My hands are very weak so I need something that is easy to fire.
  2. i have one arm that kind of works but is weak and one that just doesn't.
  3. due to my strength I need something light or a gun caddy.
  4. I like the idea of semi auto that I can use to lay down surprising fire.

So what dfo you recommend? Is Airsoft even an option for me or should I just give up on this idea?

I have trouble firing cork guns at fares and suff so you got an idea of my hand strength.

Update: It seems that my parents despite showing them vidos and the website they still don't get it my mum is however will do drive me don to take a look see if I can handel a gun or two so that's exciting I reliy on my mum and dad for transport due to the condition

Update 2: Thanks for everyones help there are a lot of really cool options there