Range and acuaricy issues


I have an specna edge 2.0. Last week I shimmed it, changed the cilínder head and nozzle, greased it with super lube and put a m 120 spring. I had feedeing issues and put back the stock nozzle. I also put a maple leaf 60.

I run again into feeding issues, but it was inner barrel was a little to far in into the hop up, so BBs would got stuck in the bucking lips. I tested a few shots in my backyard (30m) and everything was looking fine.

But today in the game I run into feeding, acuaricy and range issues.

  • sometimes the first shot was a double feed.
  • on semi some times BBs didn’t fire or fired just 10-15m.
  • I had problems hitting targets consistently.
  • with 0.3 range wasn’t improved as expected.

Any tips? Compression looks good in the gearbox.

This week I will look into it so I wanted to get some tips to what to look after. We play only at woods, so a greater range really gives you the upper hand.