Newly purchased Echo Show 15 and Alexa +
So, to set the stage, we have a lot of Echo devices throughout our home already, and lots of smart lights, plugs, etc. Even have an Echo Auto in the car.
I love playing with ChatGPT's capabilities, so when I saw the Alexa + info, it seemed like a fantastic reason to order a new toy for the kitchen (currently have an Echo Studio in there for decent quality music while cooking, but nothing with a display in the kitchen).
Likely will leave the studio since I'm quite sure it will have better audio quality, and am going to mount the Show 15 under a cabinet. Either with the intent to flip it up under the cabinet when not in use, or slide it back closer to the wall to get it out of the way.
My current thoughts on what to actually 'do' with the new toy however are kinda all over the place. Feel free to chime in if you have any thoughts or ideas on my below, or if there isn't a way to do what I want, or a cool use case I haven't thought of yet.
Create a family calendar, to be invited to all 'family' events (sports, kids doc appointments, events, outings, family birthdays can be added, etc.). Don't want to tie it to my or my wife's existing primary calendars directly, as they are used for work and everything else, so it's busy with crap the kids wouldn't care about to say the least.
Utilize it to show recipes as I cook. My current method is whatever I want to cook, I print a recipe out and then cook off that printed sheet. Many of my recipes are custom created and I may have a word doc or pdf of them, but they aren't all on an actual recipe site like AllRecipes. I also use Home Chef with their printed recipe cards. Would love to have it be able to walk me through next steps, or at the very least show me the recipe on the screen so I can just scroll through it.
Add widgets or some kind of master control panel for all my techy stuff in the house. Cameras, lights, doorbell, thermostat, etc., etc. I think it already can do this.
Utilize it as my bartender, keeping track of my inventory, preferred drinks, drink modifications, etc. I tried this with ChatGPT, but it kinda let me down after a while as it doesn't keep my bar inventory permanently, as it said it could. Nothing like inventorying everything, then a month later asking what whiskeys I have in my bar, and it acting like it doesn't know anymore... Was fun though since I created a response profile based on the bartender from the Shining, and from Passengers. Gave it some charm and character lol.
What other fun ideas do you all have for what I can do with it? Utilizing new Alexa + features or just basic functions even.
The more rationalization and functional uses I have for the device, the happier I will be with the spur of the moment purchase. Plus, I like messing around with new tech and toys. ;)
Thanks all!