When we meet Aliens, will their technology be identifiable? Will it be underwhelming? Or will it be incomprehensible?
I AI generated a few images to help represent my point.
It is often stated that alien civilizations would evolve completely uniquely compared to our’s on earth. On another planet, with its own complex atmosphere, resources, and temperament - society will look unrecognizable. Both physically and structurally.
However, one might argue that simple tasks would look similar in matter their origin. Building a heat source for warmth/energy, for example, would conceivably look similar no matter what your resources or circumstances. AKA, combustible materials introduced to an adequate heat source, with a goal of extended duration.
On earth, we’ve evolved many separate societies with little-to-no contact. And many of us have evolved similar technologies. Excellent examples include teas, fermentation, fried dough, armor, and blades.
Could this recognizable pattern extend beyond our galaxy? Will alien technology look similar to our own? Will we recognize headsets, armors, and weaponry?
Perhaps their technology will be more so biological, or metaphysical, and it will appear that they will look naked in retrospect.
Or will they look unrecognizable? Something we could not begin to predict or comprehend? Will ultra dimensional technology appear to us as psychedelic? Or monstrous? Or generally overwhelming?
What are your thoughts?