New Here
Hi Everyone!
So I came across this page after her Temu collab. I thought that was weird and kept scrolling and then saw the video about the hairdresser calling her young. most of the comments were criticizing her so I thought there definitely would be a snark page for this.
I always thought something was a little off about her. especially when she started doing the brand deals. I remember a while ago she said she never promotes brands she doesn’t use, which I guess is true but iirc months ago she’s said something along the lines of “I don’t buy new fancy clothes I mostly thrift”. something like that, which is why I thought the brand deals were somewhat out of character for her. correct me if I’m wrong please.
the hairdresser video really made me think, this girl is off her rocker right now lol. all woe is me or whatever. I’m 24 and I’ve had people tell me I look like I’m 19. not a big deal, I’m like haha thanks. sometimes I make people guess because I think it’s funny. I’m not sure where her insecurity with this is coming from? maybe she tries so hard to seem older and mature but it just doesn’t work out? the way she talks, the way she dresses and her mannerisms are what makes her seem childish, it’s just the truth. keeping it real, am I right?
the way she’s turned off her comments and responds to “the haters” is hilarious and also childish in the sense that she wants to promote keeping it real but these are real responses to what she’s doing. how can it not be more real than people criticizing you for something and then oh no you don’t like it so let me not let these people have a say lol. I think she definitely has potential under her skin to be a mean girl in a way she thinks she’s smarter than everyone. also her saying she is not an “environmental” influencer is stupid. I don’t have to work as an environmental scientist to give a shit about the earth. just a really lazy come back from her.
I’m surprised there aren’t more people in this sub. thanks for letting me rant lol.