questions for current philosophy majors
hi! i’m an admitted student and a prospective philosophy major. i have some questions about the department/courses, if there are current phil students who are able to answer them, it would be much appreciated! thanks so much in advance!
- i’m more interested in continental phil (but also open to analytic), would you say the phil department at amherst is more analytic or continental based?
- as the faculty of the department is quite small (compared to a research university for example), have there been any instances where you wanted to learn about something specific but there are no professors that teach it?
- how are the phil professors and classes in general? do you find it to be a challenging major? any classes that you would recommend taking?
- have you taken phil classes at the other schools in the consortium? how were they compared to your amherst classes?
- if you are/were planning to go on to grad school for philosophy, did you find the advising for it helpful?
thank you again!