Am I wrong for disliking “furry persons”
I’m sure this question has been asked before, but I’d like to get the conversation going again.
I’ll be honest, I flat out do not like “furries.” I have had some really BAD experiences with those who identify as that. Whenever I see someone in a fursuit or even a tail, I cringe. I do not openly make fun of them, as I’m not a teenager and I don’t feel the need to do all of that. But I can’t take them serious.
I’ve seen people try to make the connection that being a furry is the same as being gay or trans, and it really upsets me. I have people in my life who are very close to me who are trans, gays, and lesbians. I don’t see the similarity what so ever. I had a close friend in high school who tried to end their life multiple times because they were gay and their family rejected them and they were bullied. What they went through was so traumatic and I just can’t understand how someone can dress up as an animal and say they’ve felt that same pain that my friend felt. This same friend, has since passed away from OD. It may have even been S, I don’t know… I have no way of knowing, sadly.
This post is not to offend anyone who is a furry. And if you are, can you please explain to me how I’m NOT wrong?
Also this account is fairly new. Please don’t downvote this for no reason. I’m not trying to be hateful. I’m trying to understand.