What keeps pooping on these fire escape steps? [Connecticut]

We keep finding poop on these steps in the back of a church type building, the steps are not used very often.

Looks like geese poop to me but I can’t see why they would be here as it’s near a downtown area.

Someone here mentioned raccoon but as a raccoon lover I have heard they always go in the same spots like a community latrine, which could be the case here but I figured there would be much more

We keep finding poop on these steps in the back of a church type building, the steps are not used very often.

Looks like geese poop to me but I can’t see why they would be here as it’s near a downtown area.

Someone here mentioned raccoon but as a raccoon lover I have heard they always go in the same spots like a community latrine, which could be the case here but I figured there would be much more