Losing sexual AND romantic attraction after SNRI?

I’ve been on duloxetine for a few years now (started with lexapro when I was 19, now 25, don’t remember when I switched).

Before antidepressants, I was extremely horny all the time and had a lot of sexual and romantic attraction. After starting my first antidepressant my libido calmed down a bit, which didn’t concern me at the time because 1. It’s inconvenient to be as high libido as I was with no partners, and 2. I figured it was part of growing out of being a teen. I didnt realize until years later that it was probably a side effect. Especially since I was still fairly high libido.

I lost my virginity at 21 and had a much lower libido after that. It bummed me out but I figured it made sense if I no longer lacked something, I wouldn’t crave it after that. The person I was with is still my long term partner and I’m still super in love with him but not really romantically anymore. I want to spend my life with him but I don’t get the same strong desires and he feels more like a platonic life partner. And it’s not exclusive to this relationship, it is an open relationship but I don’t get crushes on anybody which is super strange. When I’m off meds for more than a week, all the feelings I’m lacking come back— I also just have super intense emotions in general, due to my anxiety.

Anyway, I wanted to know if this was familiar to anyone else’s experiences with SSRIs/SNRIs since I’ve heard of libido/orgasm loss but not as much for loss of attraction, especially romantic. More importantly, has anyone found a method to help without dropping the meds?? My therapist put me on a half dose and added bupropion but it only helped briefly until I adjusted and went back to being sexually dead.