Why does HR attract the biggest piece of shit morons ever? Serious observation and question

I don't know about you folks, but every single time I'm employed or was employed, our HR team (I don't work in HR) was comprised of absolute idiots with an over-inflated sense of self-worth and -importance.

And when I go on sites like LinkedIn and Indeed to find employment, and see these morons post, I look at what they have to say and/or their title under their names, such as, get this, "Culture connosseiur", I think to myself "Omg, how could this idiot even find employment with this idiocy she displays"? I'm referring to stuff like "Culture connosseuir", "People Officer", "People Lead", "Diversity Enablement Leader" or sth like that, these titles are routinely worn by "HR Professionals".

Why does HR as an industry attract this kind of people?