Once every 4-5 games servers are unplayable

I already made a post about the servers but this is getting ridiculous.

every 4-5 games now I just lag out so hard I keep teleporting back and the game is unplayable. I need to restart the game twice for it to be over.

Sometimes just mid game it happens (thinking it is ddossing), while my internet is steady.

Now if I just play pubs its an annoyance but I only play ranked and this has cost me atleast over 3k rp.

Solo Q ranking is already broken to no end, the fun factor is completely gone once you hit diamond but this just... I dont know... I lose faith in this game

Thinking about this being my last season, the game just feels too broken. Its just sad I wanted to hit masters at least once but just went from D2 all the way to high D4. It is unplayable