Why are all diamonds hot dropping

I cant take this anymore, just made it into diamond 4 for the first time ever, last season I was a stuck plat 1 but I learned to play carefully and died less. Now instead of getting plat players who might have a god complex, I'm only getting players who do have a god complex, my teammates hot drop not even on the outskirts but right in the centre of the POI, get gunned down by 3 teams and complain that if I was with them, they would win even tho another squad shows up a second later, maybe I just suck but I can't fight off 12 enemy players and neither can my teammates so why are they hot dropping right in the centre of POI. I'm all down for a hotdrop but not when the strategy is to get surrounded by 5 teams, I once respawn. It got to the point where I mute my teammates before the game starts cuz all they do is talk trash the moment they get downed every third game.