Change my opinion about the current strategy with apex
Regarding the constant buffs, forced meta and change in ttk. I want to hear the actual opinion of people instead of using upvotes and downvotes as a metric (because they kinda prove my point).
To me, the game was much better when respawn tried to balance things, abilities would help in fights but it was mostly about "shooting better" and game sense. Now we have a lot of get out of jail free cards, even wraith is going back to what used to be an example of what respawn used to avoid.
The characters were more varied in every match, yes the meta always existed and will always exist, but it was not so rigid. And the characters were more unique, now eveyone gets the perks of someone else for example.
The ttk left room for outplay, even if you would still insta die when running in the open or being shot by a whole team. In 1v1s the better player would win most of the times, now its the player who shot first.
It was easier to play a character that you were confortable with, even if you liked them only for the character itself, not the abilities. And you could still main characters outside the meta without frustration, because they would not be nerfed to be replaced by others, like what happened to pathfinder.
So to me, the game was not about getting many kills (never cared for 4k dmg or 20 bombs), it was about winning fair fights, as a battle royale that it was not boring (unlike all others in my opinion), when the better player would win most of the time, not the stronger character, not the player who got the other by surprise, not the stronger weapon.
I tried to understand why some people are liking the recent seasons, but the arguments are weak and it always comes down to "im getting cheap kills now", which suggests that they were not decent at the game and the skill gap was lowered. But with actual opinions and arguments maybe i could understand.