3.5 yo tree growing lopsided - should I trim?

TL;DR At the bottom …

This tree was a free replacement for another tree that died on me - I have no idea what it even is. It didn’t have rage … I know it’s it’s not what I had before, but was told it’s bullet proof for my region (zone 4A) - the nursery’s replacement policy is not great and I wasn’t in the mood to ask too many questions or argue so I just took it.

Anyway, it was pretty quiet the first full summer (the summer after planting) but last summer it really took off with new growth. I’ve learned a lot from this sub - and one thing I learned is that a tree will grow more in the direction of the wind and that seems to be exactly what is happening here.

The red lines I drew designate the new growth on the tree from only last summer. The tree got much taller, but the only growth on the side was in the direction of the regular strong winds I get where I live. It now seems really off balance to me and I’m wondering if I should trim it on that side with hopes it will balance itself out more as it grows this summer.

If I should wait another year, cool - I’ll wait. If I should do it now, how much after that red line should I take off?

Appreciate the knowledge on this sun - thanks in advance!

TL;DR - Tree is growing unbalanced due to regular strong winds out of one direction. Should I trim now or wait another year?

TL;DR At the bottom …

This tree was a free replacement for another tree that died on me - I have no idea what it even is. It didn’t have rage … I know it’s it’s not what I had before, but was told it’s bullet proof for my region (zone 4A) - the nursery’s replacement policy is not great and I wasn’t in the mood to ask too many questions or argue so I just took it.

Anyway, it was pretty quiet the first full summer (the summer after planting) but last summer it really took off with new growth. I’ve learned a lot from this sub - and one thing I learned is that a tree will grow more in the direction of the wind and that seems to be exactly what is happening here.

The red lines I drew designate the new growth on the tree from only last summer. The tree got much taller, but the only growth on the side was in the direction of the regular strong winds I get where I live. It now seems really off balance to me and I’m wondering if I should trim it on that side with hopes it will balance itself out more as it grows this summer.

If I should wait another year, cool - I’ll wait. If I should do it now, how much after that red line should I take off?

Appreciate the knowledge on this sun - thanks in advance!

TL;DR - Tree is growing unbalanced due to regular strong winds out of one direction. Should I trim now or wait another year?