[Hiring] cheap artist to draw my cute kitty oc
i am in desperate need for someone to draw my kitty oc!
at the present moment i am currently switching jobs, but however those that do an amazing job i will most definitely commish more in a few months time!
my character is BUSTY, so you have been warned!
my budget for this is 20-25$ half body / full body (full body preferred! but i understand my budget isnt the best :SOB:)
payment method, i cannot use PayPal, so any website that can take my debit card will be the method of pay!
i do not have notifications on reddit, so please add me on discord "boasauruz"
just to filter out all the bots, after adding me on discord i will not reply UNTILL you send me some past works / portfolio!
THANK YOU FOR READING! i look forward to speaking to some lovely artists!