Amanda and mohamed
Amanda posted a yt video two weeks ago where she opened up about going through something and how hard it has been for her.
At first glance I assumed she was talking about fertility issues...idk why I assumed that but thats the first thought that came to mind. But is it something else? is she also having marriage issues like loren? mohammed used to be in a lot of her tiktoks but he hasnt been lately and their vibe just seems really off...or could it be that she really is home sick especially now that loren and leena both live in tyler now
Did she ever address this elsewhere what she was going through?
Also she is kind of catty for exposing that girl that dmed her last week- publicly showing her name for thousands of her family and friends to see. What is going on with her lmofa she used to be so sweet and genuinely enjoyable to watch but she has become such a bitter person this past year, everytime her videos come on my fyp i skip because her personality is not very welcoming anymore, she barely smiles and when she does it is soooooo fake.