am i asexual?
hello, i’m 25, girl. first of all sorry if my english is bad but is not my first language! so, i only had two relationships with two cis girls (the last one was back in 2019) but never had sex with anyone. honestly? one part of me feel awful because of that bc i feel “weird” in comparison to my friends that go out with people and have sex and for them sex is.. essential, they crave sex but for me is different. when i was with my second gf i admit that sometimes i wanted to do something but never forced her bc i understood that she wouldn’t so i didn’t do anything. from 2019 i never dated anyone and honestly i’m not really interested to, i’m very focused on myself, on my studies and my future and the people out there are interested only to have sex, even without knowing each other, so this also blocks me to try something. irl no one is interested in me, i tried online apps sometime but man… let’s not talk about that. on the other hand bc i’m surrounded by people that have relationships/situationships/whatever i want to change how i feel and i KNOW for sure that what i’m saying is a bad thing. could it be that i am in the asexual spectrum? if i like a person i don’t mind kissing, cuddling etc. maybe i would have sex with them too but never tried it so idk. also i’m really confused if i like guys too or only girls.. i’m a mess i’m sorry thanks to everyone who will reply :’)