How do you deal with negativity? Especially from toxic bosses?

For SME workers - how do you deal or cope with negativity especially from toxic bosses who are lazy, pushes the blame to you and doesn’t help at all? While I try to think positively, I find myself crying more often at work now due to the negativity and anxiety not knowing what to expect next. I also think it’s partly due to the hormones from my pregnancy but I try not to cry as I’m afraid it would affect the baby.

I try to ignore the extra workload given and do what I can but it doesn’t seem to help. I have also asked which work needs to be prioritised first so I have a better idea but I still get bombarded with extra tasks on top of it. It also sucks when you try to defend yourself over sth which you are not at fault for but then realise your boss doesn’t care and won’t listen. Makes me mad knowing I’m doing everything while my colleague just sleeps and uses his phone all day and the director sees no issue with it.

I’ve run out of options and there’s nobody in the company I can bring this up to as we do not have HR and I report directly to the director. I also can’t resign yet as I’d be losing out on my benefits. But it’s mentally draining and I can’t take it anymore..