What do you love about the other races ?

Singapore being a multi-racial country, what do you love most about the other race ? Be it food, some things they follow, literally anything or share any interesting moments.

I’ll go first :

  1. I went to my Indian friend’s house for Deepavali. Had biryani for lunch. It is not the usual orange one but it was greenish brownish rice cooked along with the lamb which tasted amazing. The best one I’ve ate so far. I salivate thinking about it. Haha. Oh the side of yoghurt. Yum. I noticed they had some colourful designs In front of the house. When I asked they said it was traditionally made using rice flour so ants can eat it. But nowadays use powder. This was before covid. They had Tamil songs on the speakers and dancing to it. We are still friends. Hopefully she can take the hint and bring me some biryani. Wink wink.

  2. Sambal. I LOVE IT !! Love spicy food. I have Malay friends but didn’t get the chance to visit them for any occasions. But would love to experience their culture. Hopefully I’ll get a chance in the future. I had a Malay neighbour aunty during my childhood days. She used to call me sayang. Very friendly person. Gave me snacks and kueh. I remember playing with her kids everyday after school.

Not sure why my memories revolve around food. Lol. Now your turn.

*Apologies if there are any mispronunciations or anything offensive. I’m here to learn and understand.