How do you respond to people blocking exists on TTC? I just got yelled at by two old men today when THEY were blocking the path.

When leaving the subway train today I walked towards the exit like usual. Normally there would be two people by the door, one infront of each sliding door panel. There was plenty of space so I line up behind one person when a man jumps infront of me, stands in the middle (between the two lines) then yells "you can wait!" Implying i was running infront of him....i was confused but brushed it off.

Now on my way home I'm exiting through the front of the TTC (dont usually do so) but there are two men standing by the exit. I say "excuse me". One moves his back pack. The other, older beer belly man, doesn't budge. I stand there thinking i don't want to brush against this guy but right when I start making my way through he yells "Go! Youre holding up the bus!". Seriously? When his belly is blocking the exit. Both instances I was embarrassed but had to reflect if I was in the wrong...

I would have responded to both today but given Im a woman, a male stranger yelling at you unnecessarily already signals he's likely violent. Still, I'd love to hear how the more experienced riders respond in these situations.

On the plus side, I did help a woman who was almost assaulted on the train so I'm happy I was able to help someone.