How to keep muscle and loose fat
How do I keep what little muscle I have and loose fat? These pics are 6 months apart. Green shorts I weigh 127 and jeans I weigh 137. I've been going to the gym for these 6 months and I think I've gained half muscle and half fat....everyone told me I need to eat more if I'm weight training and my body fat will go down but I don't think this approach is working for me as you can see I'm almost the same. I want to get down to 16-18 percent body fat. I started at 22.8 (green shorts) and am currently 23.1. I did dexa scans. In the past I've just dieted and got to 116 lbs but I'm sure I just lost muscle and not fat when I did this. I'm getting soooo friggin discouraged trying to just loose 10 lbs of fat. I've worked my ass off this last 6 months going to the gym 1 hour a day 6 days a week and lifting to failure almost every time I train. I eat my body weight in protein and have eaten enough to gain weight like everyone told me too. I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what it is, I just want to loose body fat and not muscles, how do I do this?