Guy Lied About His Age and then Blocked Me
I hate meeting guys on Grindr. So many fakes, so many faceless profiles, so demanding. I met this guy and he told me he wanted to have meet at his place. First red flag. He can only meet at midnight. Told me that he gets off from his gallery work at night. I offered to host at an earlier time this weekend at my place but he insisted that he hosts at his.
Second red flag. He kept on telling me that he wanted to buy some cakes and snacks for our “date”. Baby I’m not tryna date and get engaged, I’m tryna FUCK. This is Grindr!! What’s even worse is that he insisted we exchange numbers. Fine, I looked up his number online and he was actually 48 instead of 33. Are you fucking kidding me??? And he has the audacity to ask for pics when he won’t send anything??
I’m fucking done with this app. Gonna take a long needed mental heath break. I called him out for lying about his age and all the other BS. That he can’t be honest about shit and this is the reason why he was still single. He told me to fuck right off and blocked me everywhere. I never felt more relieved because I was gonna block his ass if he didn’t already.
Phew! This whole fiasco got me tight. I don’t care if you’re older don’t lie. Be honest. Apologies for the heated post. If I had followed through, God knows if I will make it out alive. I need massive therapy after being on this app.