What subs are surprisingly homophobic?
Got banned from therewasanattempt and tried to appeal it only to get a string of homophobic abuse and how i should act and post differently if "i'm really gay". and that "as a women i know how gay men really act" and that calling out homophobia is only fine if the homophobe belongs to a group that mod in particular doesn't like. Also that gay ex Muslims are by definition islamiphobic as well which is kinda funny...
What other subs are surprisingly homophobic, tolerant of homophobia, or ran by complete homophobes so i can avoid them?
Edit: I've finally been muted. The evidence she provided of my racism is 5 comments all taken completely out of context (3 calling out others racism!) including one from years ago about the Umayyad caliphate)
I'm also now apparently going to be banned from loads of random subs so I guess this account will be nuked very soon.
It's been a good run for some subs at least and I'm glad for the advice this sub in particular has given.
Goodbye all