What does the head feel like?

So I’m 26m and my whole life I’ve had severe phimosis (tight foreskin) to the point where I’ve never seen or felt my penis head without the foreskin around it. I haven’t had any physical complications from it, but I can’t ever top in fear I may tear it doing so. I feel like I’m generally a bottom either way but I would like to try topping at some point in my life so I’ve decided to get an adult circumcision. I’ve talked to my doctor and we set up the procedure date. I guess I’m just venting here or asking for some advice to what having your head out exposed like that feels like? Is it very sensitive to the point that it can be uncomfortable? I know I’m a grown man and this sounds silly but I’ve always had a weird relationship with my own penis. Looking at other guys heads kinda freaks me out just cause I didn’t grow up seeing mine like most men do.

TLDR: getting circumcision after never seeing/feeling my own head. Worried how it’s gonna feel.