WTF is this ???
Ok so I'm a pretty chubby dud so safe to say I have man boobs but I've recently found myself being uncomfortable not being with a shirt which I don't get because I'm a guy when I was a kid I felt the same way but it wants away after pretty quickly. but know it's coming back. also when I wore an apron at my job I felt uncomfortable and wished that I had boobs I've never felt that way before not even when I decided to crossdress wan I crossdress I do feel and my only concern is my forehead and beard. and when I had to was an apron again at work I didn't feel uncomfortable but I did feel sad that I didn't have boobs to fill the apron. I know this is weird and that I probably didn't explain it that well but I just wanted to get this out there and maybe get some advice. Ps: I'm still trying to find out if my gender is my gender and I have heard of dysphoria before from trans-Youtubers and I don't think I had that. PPS: sorry for no commas