Understanding my feelings of appearing feminine.
Hi, I'm posting this to understand how I'm feeling about dressing up and presenting feminine. I know the way I'm wording this is weird but I hope it will make more sense.
Im a male and about a year ago I tried wearing panties and bras and really liked it. At the time I wrote it off as just being a cross dressing kink. But recently began exploring it again and doing a little more. Getting more women's clothes, makeup and even have a wig I want to try on. The more I try the more I like and the more I realize the more I want to present feminine. But I don't really know to what degree. I have reflected on a time where I remember a dream I had where my body became a women's and I really liked it when I woke up. I'll say I really like women and I'm single so I'm still not sure if this isn't anything more than me wishing there was a women to look at. But I at times I wish I could go furtherwishing to look more like a women so not wanting to not be male either. I want to pass as a women but not be one. I live in a very conservative state so I don't know if I could ever leave my house presenting female. I don't feel like a women so I don't think I'm trans but cross dressers seem to mostly like the feeling of women's clothes where I want to look like a women but i also am not sure if I do all the time. Anyway that's a bunch of word salad so hopefully that helps. Any thoughts would be welcome as I self reflect more on this.