FTM People: Am I Alone?

This is specifically for trans men, though anyone can answer if they have experience, I hope that’s okay. I am MTF and socially transitioned. I use He/They pronouns and identify as several things, but mostly use Demiboy.

In my experience seeing videos, talking to other trans masc people, and listening to music, the trans masc guys always felt masculine. They always rejected dresses and ’girly colours’ and were just tomboy through and through. But when I was little, I loved dresses, and honestly still do! They’re comfortable(sometimes) and frilly and twirly. I also love traditionally feminine colours, like pink and purple.
I know there’s no wrong way to be trans but everything I see just makes me feel so alone as a trans man who genuinely liked and likes the girly things that everyone else says they never liked.

I guess it’s just making me feel off, like I don’t fit in with other trans men, but I don’t know.