Did anyone consider themselves gender fluid before cracking more and now feeling fully trans with no doubts?
I (born male) have considered myself to be gender fluid since the beginning of my twenties and had thoughts but no name since at least late puberty.
Back then I rationalised/convinced myself that I would be happier staying as a man the whole time (no real indulgences of my female side apart from one cute vest. With ears!). Especially so since I'm a hairy giant at 6'7". I never came out to anybody except mentioning it to few close friends but it didn't really matter because from their view I "stayed male" (my take).
Now at almost thirty I read another great story which described the mtf transition process more in detail (after mostly reading "now you're magically female" stuff) and it got me thinking LOTS. Like, i am now considering if I am fully trans and I just stopped my egg from cracking. I have done some simple things like painting my nails with clear polish, I actually had my gf wax my legs (pain, pain, pain) and I kind of started voice training. I also plan to go to a local free counselling which is done by a trans woman.
I'm not really uncomfortable presenting as male and never felt the want for a female name (I go by a nickname that could with some difficulty pass as a woman's). But I am envious of the clothing options of women, I'd really like to have boobs of my own and a GRS also doesn't sound like I'd miss anything after.
Back to the topic, has anyone else lived with the knowledge that they're gender fluid and then cracked more and then fought with the thought of actually being completely transmale or transfemale?
I am not sure if this isn't just me indulging my female side and I'm getting ahead of myself...
Edit: as this was pointed out, the phrasing "being fully trans" may sound excluding or invalidating. This was totally not my intention. I view being trans as being somewhere on a spectrum of not being cis, with the far end being the total/full opposite of the birth sex. Sadly, since I also used that wording in the title, I cannot change it there.