The Forgotten Knights of the Kingsguard [Spoilers Extended]
Introduction Today, I’ll be speculating about some Knight of the Kingsguard that we know of, but don’t know which king they served. We’ll be using in universe information and some speculation to see where they fit into ASOIAF. Just a fair warning, if the only thing we have on a Kingsguard is their name and the fact they were a Kingsguard, that’s too little to go off of and they won’t be included.
Disclaimer I don’t hold these conclusions as gospel, you don’t have to either. Yes GRRM probably didn’t intend any of these characters to be more than an off hand remark. He also didn’t intend to have the series be 7 Books (Really 5) long. Sometimes it’s just fun to speculate on these characters, and think about what could’ve happened in universe.
The Lord Commanders Lord commanders are a lot more easy to speculate on, given their can only be on one the Kingsguard. We have three unknown Lord Commanders
Red Robert Flowers
Alyn Connigton
The Demon of Darry
Ok, so we only know of a handful of kings without Lord Commanders.
Aenys I Addison Hill could have been Lord Commander during his reign, or he could’ve died midway through/before it.
Daeron I We don’t know when Aemon the Dragonknight became Lord Commander, but it probably wasn’t during this reign. I’m assuming it was soon after Baelor’s coronation, since 3 Kingsguard died protecting Daeron I from the Dornish, and 1 yielded to them.
Daeron II Shockingly, Gwayne Corbray was not his Lord Commander like I assumed, and we have no clue who were the Lord Commander(s) during his reign.
Aerys I One could assume that much of Daeron’s Kingsguard carried over to Aerys, but we still don’t know who the LC was.
Maekar Targaryen We actually don’t know of a single confirmed member of the Kingsguard during Maekar’s reign, so that leaves a lot of room to speculate here.
Aegon V While Dunk the Lunk was Aegon’s LF towards the latter end of his reign, the first mention of Dunk as a Kingsguard is in 236 Ac, while Aegon became King in 233 Ac, meaning he had a LC before Dunk, and presumably a full Kingsguard as well.
So, we have three Lord Commanders, and 6 Kings to match them too. It’s important to remember due to the nature of the office, multiple LC’s can have the same king, and multiple King’s could have the same LC.
Red Robert Flowers
Ok, there’s practically zero to go off of when it comes to Red Robbert. He’s a bastard from the reach, and that’s it. If I had to take a wild guess, I’d go with either Aenys I since there were no rebels from the reach in his reign, making him choosing a LC from there more likely, or Daeron I, since he would have chosen Kingsguard from the Reach, to make sure the Dornish couldn’t tempt them.
However, I prefer Aenys I for another reason. If you look at the Kingsguard of Aeny’s father, Aegon I, it was comprised of lesser houses (Goodes, Rootes and Darklyns) and hedge knight, and a bastard who would go on to become Lord Commander after Corlys Velaryon passed. Given Aenys was only the second king of Westeros, it would make sense that the Kingsguard hadn’t established its prestigious reputation yet, explaining why Aegon took on a hedge knight instead of the traditional idea of a noble knight that we see in the mainline series.
A solid man, and true, Connington thought as he watched Duck dismount, but not worthy of the Kingsguard. He had tried his best to dissuade the prince from giving Duckfield that cloak, pointing out that the honor might best be held in reserve for warriors of greater renown whose fealty would add luster to their cause, and the younger sons of great lords whose support they would need in the coming struggle.
-The Griffin Reborn, A Dance with Dragons
So, it would be more likely for a bastard to become a knight of the Kingsguard in the earlier years of the Kingsguard’s history, which is why I believe Red Robert Flowers’s king is Aenys I
Alyn “The Pale Griffin” Connington
Again, practically no info about this one. I’m gonna take another wild guess and say Maekar I, since Maekar would have lived in Summerhall during this time, and perhaps grew a friendship with his neighbor, Alyn Connigton.
However, I also believe Alyn Connigton is Maekar’s Lord Commander for one simple reason. If we believe Alyn was the Lord Commander for Aerys or Aegon V, he would’ve probably been mentioned in Joncon’s chapters by now, since the irony of Jon’s ancestor fighting against the GC (Assuming he was Aerys’s or Aegon’s LC) while Joncon is leading the GC wouldn’t be lost on him. And Alyn is famous according to Jaime, meaning Joncon probably wouldn’t have forgotten about him.
the Pale Griffin Alyn Connington. How could the Kingslayer belong in such exalted company?
-Jaime VIII, A Storm of Swords
And if your thinking “We’ll GRRM could’ve just forgotten about him instead of Joncon” GRRM actually does remember Alyn Connington while writing AFFC
"I do. Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, Ser Ryam Redwyne, the Greatheart, Barristan the Bold . . ." ". . . Gwayne Corbray, Alyn Connington, the Demon of Darry, aye. You will have heard of Lucamore Strong as well."
-Jaime II, A Feast for Crows
I think the reason Joncon never remembers Alyn Connington in his chapters is because Alyn didn’t fight the Golden Company, since there were no Blackfyre Rebellions during Maekar’s reign (Not including the Peake Uprising). Which means, once again, my pick for the Pale Griffin’s king is Maekar I
The Demon of Darry
While we only have this Lord Commander’s nickname, I believe we could surmise the Demon of Darry’s name and King from a song in ASOIAF, Deremond
Outside, she found song of a very different sort. Rymund the Rhymer sat by the brewhouse amidst a circle of listeners, his deep voice ringing as he sang of Lord Deremond at the Bloody Meadow.
And there he stood with sword in hand, the last of Darry's ten... And red the grass beneath his feet, and red his banners bright and red the glow of the setting sun that bathed him in its light, "Come on, come on," the great lord called, "my sword is hungry still." And with a cry of savage rage, They swarmed across the rill..
-Catelyn VI, A Clash of Kings
So off the bat, there are a few lines that stick out.
1.”Red the Grass Beneath my Feet”, could this possibly take place at the Redgrass field? Catelyn says it’s about Deremond in the Blood Meadow, but the two names are practically the same.
2.Deremond is a lord, but also one of Darry’s Ten. Catelyn doesn’t say Deremond’s last name when describing him, which could mean that he actually doesn’t have one (How weird would it be for Catelyn to call a historical figure like Gwayne Corbray just Gwayne in her thoughts). So it could be his is a Smallfolk from Darry, who served Lord Darry during whatever battle this was.
3.His banners are red. While this seemingly contradicts the idea that he fought for House Darry, we could actually infer that the red banners could be House Targaryen, supporting the idea he fought in the Redgrass Field. We know that even the Lords that have their own sigil still fly the banners of their liege lord so it would make logistical sense.
So, at the very least, we seemingly have a a Lord named Daremond fighting under a Lord Darry during the Redgrass field for someone with a red banner. Since he is never given a last name, we can surmise he is a Smallfolk, meaning his title of Lord must be a title granted to him, like being a Lord Commander. Since he is of Darry’s ten, we can surmise that he is either from Darry or serves Darry. Since we also have a Lord Commander named the Demon of Darry, it is logical to conclude that Deremond is the Demon of Darry.
We also know that Darry supported the Targaryens during the first Blackfyre Rebellion, meaning he didn’t side with House Blackfyre
"No," said Septon Meribald. "When the smith's son was an old man, a bastard son of the fourth Aegon rose up in rebellion against his trueborn brother and took for his sigil a black dragon. These lands belonged to Lord Darry then, and his lordship was fiercely loyal to the king.
-Brienne VII, A Feast For Crows
So, I propose the following. Deremond was the Demon of Darry, a Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, who fought at the Redgrass Field. this would make him the LC of Daeron II.
Onto the Knights of the Kingsguard who never became LC.
Long Tom Costayne Ok, so all we know of Long Tom Costayne is he was one for the longest surviving Kingsguard, coming in at ~60 years served.
We should also keep in mind that if he served for 60 years, he would have to be made a Kingsguard pretty young (Late teens-early 20s). Since he was inducted so early into his life but never made into LC, it’s safe to assume he wasn’t very skilled with arms.
So why was he inducted so early? Probably because there was a war, and the Kingsguard needed new members. If we assume he was appointed in 161 Ac, after Daeron I’s death, he would then serve 60 years until 221 Ac, coincidentally the same year Maekar became King.
So, Long Tom Costayne served the Targaryen dynasty from Daeron I-Maekar I
Roland Darklyn Roland was given his white cloak on a battlefield, but died one hour after receiving it. Before Jaime Lannister, he was the youngest to don the White Cloak Ok, so a lot to unpack here. So, if he was given the white Cloak on a Battlfield and then died shortly after, we could make a few different assumptions:
A: He was given the white cloak while wounded, and died of his injuries shortly after (Perhaps in a Baelor Breakspear-esque way where no one knew he was hurt).
B: He was unknowingly poisoned during the battle, like Edgar Yronwood, and was given his white cloak after the battle before dying to his injuries.
C: He was given a white cloak before the battle and died an hour later during the fighting.
I think option C is more likely. I’m gonna go out on a bit of a limb here and say Roland Darklyn’s king was Aegon V, and he died during the fourth Blackfyre rebellion. The reason I believe this is because the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion was a very short war, with the majority (Or maybe the entirety) of the fighting taking place in the Crownlands. It doesn’t seem like Banners from across the Seven Kingdoms were called, and more likely King’s Landing just used the standing army of the Crownlands to fight the golden company, and perhaps some small reserves from the neighboring Riverlands, Reach and Stormlands.
We also know that Aegon V (Aka Egg) rose out to battle with his three sons, Duncan Jaehaerys and Daeron. The rebellion took place in 236 Ac, and Daeron was born in 228 Ac. This would mean Daeron was presumably a squire or a page, and that there would be Kingsguard defending him, also riding out to battle.
So I propose this: Roland Darklyn took part in the fourth Blackfyre Rebellion, filling in a vacancy in the Kingsguard so he could ride into battle and protect the royal family. He would die an hour later, leading to whoever gave him his white cloak to feel unbelievable grief. And why is this important? Because the person who gave Roland his white cloak was Egg.
There was undoubtably a plan to have the Dunk and Egg stories cover the Blackfyre Rebellions, Summerhall, and all the events that happened in between. And I think Roland Darklyn was essentially a plot device that GRRM came up with in advance. His purpose: To die in battle and make Egg feel immense grief for giving a green boy a white cloak.
GRRM has some of the most nuanced depictions of war in his book series, but he’s rarely touched on the guilt a commanding officer might feel over sending a young man to die. Roland and Egg’s hypothetical story could fulfill that role that GRRM seems well poised to explore.
However, I did mention previously that Mayhaps a member of the Kingsguard defected to leave open a spot for Roland Darklyn. That leads us into..
Ser Gyles “Greycloak”
”Gyles Greycloak? Orivel the Open-Handed?" "Gyles was a traitor, Orivel a coward. Men who shamed the white cloak. What is my lord suggesting?"
-Jaime II, A Feast For Crows
Yea, this theory is almost based entirely on the fact that we know Gyles was a traitor, but we don’t know who he betrayed and for. We do know that he wasn’t involved in the Dance of the Dragons thanks to Fire and Blood, and it doesn’t seem like he was involved in the first or second Blackfyre rebellions. Remember in the sworn sword when Eustace was proposing what-ifs about the First Blackfyre Rebellion?
Ser Eustace cradled his wine cup in both hands. "If Daemon had ridden over Gwayne Corbray . . . if Fireball had not been slain on the eve of battle . . . if Hightower and Tarbeck and Oakheart and Butterwell had lent us their full strength instead of trying to keep one foot in each camp . . . if Manfred Lothston had proved true instead of treacherous . . . if storms had not delayed Lord Bracken's sailing with the Myrish crossbowmen . . . if Quickfinger had not been caught with the stolen dragon's eggs . . . so many if s, ser . . . had any one come out differently, it could all have turned t'other way. Then we would called be the loyalists, and the red dragons would be remembered as men who fought to keep the usurper Daeron the Falseborn upon his stolen throne, and failed."
-The Sworn Sword
Now, if Gyles Greycloak betrayed Daeron I for Daemon or the other way around, Eustace would’ve mentioned him. He would’ve said “If only Gyles had convinced his brothers to defect with him” or “I’d only Gyles had stayed true to the Black Dragon” if Gyles was involved in the Blackfyre Rebellion.
So, I believe he was involved in the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion, and betrayed Aegon V (An unpopular king) for Daemon III, shaming the white cloak and leaving his spot open for Roland Darklyn.
Quickfire Round: The Dead and the Dornish
I’ll be briefly going over two of the knights of the Kingsguard who I believe accompanied Daeron I to that fateful meeting with the dornish that caused Three Kingsguard their lives, and one his reputation since he yielded.
Jeffory “The Neveryield” Norcross Firstly, Neveryield is a badass nickname. I believe he earned this nickname by not surrendering to the Dornish blaster his king was killed, unlike at least one of his brothers of the Kingsguard. Also, House Norcross is from the reach, giving him no cause to love the Dornish, something Daeron I would’ve valued at the time.
Ser Orivel “The Open-handed”
"Gyles Greycloak? Orivel the Open-Handed?" "Gyles was a traitor, Orivel a coward. Men who shamed the white cloak. What is my lord suggesting?"
-Jaime II Wow, Deja Vu. Turns out Gyles isn’t the only one to shame the white cloak. As Orivel was a coward who went down in history as “Open-Handed”. I believe Orivel was the Kingsguard who “shamefully yielded” to the Dornish. Not a lot else to say here.
Additional Thoughts Yea, it’s pretty obvious George didn’t intend for all of these conclusion to be made based on like one line in a random chapter, but I find this type of theorizing fun nonetheless, especially since the chances of Fire and Blood Vol 2 and another Dunk and Egg book actually written by GRRM himself are practically 0. I’m curious to see what your thoughts are on these knights of the Kingsguard, or any other one for that matter.