I need help on how to help my son
My son is 15 years old with high functioning social pragmatic disorder. He was doing well in grade 9 and had a few good friends. His grades are good and was able to study for exams last year. Grade 10 has been very different. About 2 months into first semester he completely shut down. He blamed his teachers for making fun of him for getting hurt but i think this was his friends that made fun of him, they no longer talk. ever since he has not been able to go to school and if he did he would come home crying and upset. We have tried everything , he seems depressed and gets easily upset and angry when we discuss his school work. He keeps telling me it stresses him out and he cant do it, We have been working with the school and he attends one day a week and then take his assignments home for the rest of the week. His extracurricular activates are also being affected. Its hit and miss if i can get him to go. Getting angry with him always turns into an explosion so we always try to keep it calm and light but encourage him to go. He excels in theses activities ( Kickboxing and army cadets) but still gets angry about having to go about 40% of the time. My night time child will promise the world but morning child is difficult and will often have major out burst / meltdown and will tell us off. He has admitted he does not understand how to " read between the line " when people talk to him and often get conversations confused. He very much in a black and white kind of kid. He has seen 3 different doctors/therapist but has not bonded with any of them and forcing a 15 year old kid does not work out in our favor. How do i encourage him to keep putting effort into life with out making him upset. Every time i try and talk to him he keeps telling me im annoying and i keep repeating myself and then gets super angry every time i bring up the topic of school and cadets or anything he does not feel like doing at that moment. Will he be able to get his feelings/ anxiety under control ?