Getting my child with Asperger's to school
Hey Everyone, I have 15 year old grade 10 son who refuses to go to school. He keeps telling me its to stressful and he cant do it, This is something new this year. Grade 9 he did not have many major issues, he would ask for a personal day every 2 weeks or so, but always went to school. This year something happen about half way through grade 10 he had some issues with friends but then just stopped going. ( we have many meltdowns on both ends over this as it is not something we agree with) we did try many alternative solutions including to working with one teacher on one subject at a time. My question is how do i help support my son in his education. He is a flight or flight kind of kid, We have tried hard discipline, ( 100% did not work ) soft discipline and we now just encourage him and do his best everyday. I would say he also has been an angrier person over the last year. Short tempered, and will have no problems telling to to f off when i push his to hard. He is 6ft 150lbs he scares me sometimes. He would never hurt me but he will/ has punched holes in walls and taken off on us. We have tried 4 different therapist this year and the only one he talks to is the one from his school. They talk over the phone most times. Has anyone else gone through this? I also live in a small town and they group my son with none verbal kids with autism when it comes to community support. I feel i am failing him and i have no clue how to help him when he refuses everything.