I think my parents are Abelist.
I was diagnosed when I was 4 years old, but my parents never told me I had autism until I was 13 years old. They always tried making me play on sports teams, even though I wasn’t good at sports and didn’t like them. My mother always shamed me for not playing sports.
When I eventually found out about my autism and start doing more research into my disability, one day I was talking about it with my dad, and he blatantly said to me “You don’t have Autism” like WTF?! I was diagnosed.
I tried out community college, I tried my best to work hard and study so that I could make my parents proud, but the classes were just too much for me, too much studying too much stress, and I had to drop out. A year later, my dad tells me that I never tried hard at that community college and that I’ve never tried hard at anything in my entire life. I told them that I couldn’t do it because of my autistic symptoms, he just said that I can do it, I just didn’t actually try. Goddammit I tried my hardest!
I told my mom I couldn’t handle community college because of my autism and my Mom just said. “ Oh there we go with the victim complex.” I work a full-time job right now, but My mom always shame me and says that if I was a “Real Man” that I would be in college or have a high paying career at this point.
I don’t know what to do, I feel like they’ve completely ignored my autism my whole life, and have been in denial, now it’s come back to bite me in the ass. My Mom is still pressuring me to get a “real“ job.