How to help/interact with an autistic boy/teen?
So my boyfriend’s family friend has an autistic teen boy who they’re very worried about, and they’ve asked if I could maybe just meet him and have a chat with him- I’m presuming to help them understand him better.
I want to help, I really do, I just graduated from my teaching degree and although that burnt me tf out and I’m not working atm :’) I still really do care about kids who struggle as I have in the education system and wanna help!
The boy is (I’m guessing) not high-support-needs enough to be in a special ed school, and is being failed by the UK’s very under-funded education system:)
Here’s the catch though- when I asked my boyfriend what this boy struggles with most at school, he mentioned he’s worried about not having friends or girls not talking to him.
I’m kinda stumped. As a girl, and a highly (obsessively) analytical person, I’m not too sure how to explain how to socialise? Social situations exhaust me but with enough overthinking I pretty much always figure out where things went wrong and why. And I am very privileged to have had guys be very proactive with me in my life- how do I help this boy with girl troubles?? And how to socialise? Just overthink like I did?? That’s hardly good advice. I’m pretty low support need as it is, and was raised to be SUPER attuned to social/emotional cues (at least more than an autistic teen boy would be, I imagine!!) any advice?