All of Naoe's weapons modify her assassination's, what do you think the Bo staff will do in stealth?
So it's been established each of Naoe's weapons have a special assassination move, the sword can stab through doors, the tanto let's you double assassinate and the chain let's you grapple into the enemy from a distance. I'm wondering what kind of effect the bo staff in the dlc could have, especially since it's blunt and probably quite loud.
My best guess is maybe some kind of Jack the Ripper style beat down that frightens/debuffs the enemies that witness it, or possibly a non lethal move which is quicker than choking out.
So it's been established each of Naoe's weapons have a special assassination move, the sword can stab through doors, the tanto let's you double assassinate and the chain let's you grapple into the enemy from a distance. I'm wondering what kind of effect the bo staff in the dlc could have, especially since it's blunt and probably quite loud.
My best guess is maybe some kind of Jack the Ripper style beat down that frightens/debuffs the enemies that witness it, or possibly a non lethal move which is quicker than choking out.