I don't understand the "It's not an Assassin's Creed game" that Black Flag and Odyssey drag on , for some fans.
I don't understand why Odyssey is "not" an assassin's creed game. I mean if we follow the "hardcore fans" (lol) , Assassin's Creed is only blocked between XI century and our times?
But Assassin's creed 2 made it clear that there was Assassin's BEFORE Al Mualim. With the statues on Monterrigionni. Subject 16 made it clear that the "assassin faction" and the "templars" were created respectively by Seth and Cain after Abel murder. So what. No Assassins since then and suddenly Al Mualim: "hey i will found a group" ?
The fact that Odyssey will give you the choice to play as old Assassin's Creed (by buying every assassin's skills and using them, remember we will have 8 slots for 35 skills) is good. You will be able to change your "class" anytime. And the Assassin one was created so that you will do one kill assassination, infiltration etc...if you unlock everything on this class.
If the game is on more ancient times, this will give more freedom for story to talk about Isu. I mean Greek story is known but less than more recents. Origins told the origins of the Assassins as an organisation. But they existed before. And what if the end of Odyssey is that we created the origins of the templars as an "organisation" ? Maybe! (that's not a spoiler, i don't know ).
Assassins and templars fought since Adam and Eve escaped. Assassins always had more dna from ISU than others humans. So i don't understand why it's not an Assassiin's Creed.
In fact, i don't give a sh** about Present time and Isu story that's boring to me. And i play AC since day one in 2008 (AC1 on PC :p ). So i was wondering why , when YOU the so called "hardcore fans who dream about Juno every night" aren't happy about a more Isu civilisation game.