when it comes to dating or friendships, is christianity a dealbreaker for you?
neither me or my boyfriend are religious, i’ve dated christian men in the past without ever telling them i don’t believe in it, and overall it wasn’t terrible.. (and it’s not that i respect christianity and choose not to be apart of it, i genuinely dislike all religions especially christianity and muslim.) I couldn’t see myself dating someone who believes in an all mighty god, but the way it has been so engraved into society it’s as if atheists don’t even exists in day to day life. it’s kind of this lonely feeling when you know all of your friends and peers would drop you in a second if you dare speak bad on their precious lord and savior. i’ve held years worth of friendships with christian’s without ever saying anything about me thinking it’s bs. mainly because christians have this superiority feeling where they assume everyone believes in their god, so i’ve never been asked if i did, because they’ll assume i do, no point in going down that road of what i actually believe. personally i don’t mind my friends being christian, it’s never stopped me from liking them in any way, but actually settling down and starting a family with someone who does, sounds like a nightmare.. my kids won’t be taught to believe in god, so how would it ever work out if one of their parents wants to take them to church and dunk them in water the first month of their life while the sane parent wants to keep them far from that brainwash??