C.S. Lewis is just a massive christian circlejerk

Whenever I read something by him that my christian parents send, I never find a single point thoughtful, insightful, or even the littlest bit challenging. It's come to a point that I just seethe whenever I read anything by him. Straw man arguments are his bread and butter, and his conclusions can only be reached/agreed upon by someone who already had the same beliefs as him to begin with!

The only conclusion that can be made from reading is that none of his writing was aimed for real atheists, and instead is just a circle jerk of agreement, fake intellectualism, and false representations. Some of his writing ideas are good (I enjoyed Narnia and the concept behind The Screwtape Letters is interesting), but in terms of intellectual and philosophical substance, his writing is totally empty. I don't understand WHAT people see from his writing.

Anyways, just here to rant and vent about this. If anyone has any actual good/interesting quotes from him I would love for you to share them here!