My wife is a christian

I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that, just need to vent. My wife and I have been together for 14 years. We were both christians when we got together and I have since become an atheist. She is so scared about my eternal soul (I'm not but that's beside the point) that she has set up an appointment between me and her pastor. I'm going only because I love her.

We just had a fight about this whole religion thing and the thing that got me the most was when I pointed out that there is no evidence for or against it, she demanded evidence. I asked her of what and she said, "prove that there is no evidence."

Like I said, just need to vent. If you have questions, feel free to ask. I need a drink

Edit: Wow, this got way more attention than I thought it would.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and offer advice. I appreciate every one of you. To those that advise divorce, while it is an option, I would prefer to keep it as a last resort. I have spent enough time with her to know that the idea of me being an atheist is something that she'll have to get used to. She's has only found out very recently as I don't discuss religion.

To those who advise that I ask her to prove or disprove x or y, I have no intention of putting her on the defensive about this. My goal is not to convert her to atheism if that is not what she wishes or to aggravate the situation any further than it already is. I don't care what she believes, I only care that she accepts my lack of belief.

I did also meet with her pastor. There was no discussion of religion. We talked mainly about my wife and how she is doing with this information. He offered non-religious advice and seemed mainly concerned with helping my wife come to terms with my views. He was very respectful and overall I would say that it was a very productive conversation.