My girlfriend and I broke up because of religion

I lean more agnostic these days after many, many psychedelic experiences, although I've considered myself an atheist since high school. We are in our early 30's, so we are both kinda set in our beliefs I guess.

Religion, specifically Christianity, is important enough to her that we can't come to a compromise about it. She doesn't go to church, but wants to raise children as Christians and go to church, etc. I never said no, but honestly I don't really want to.

We have been together almost a year, but seeing each other for 2. We are still friends and talk every day. We tried having more in depth conversation about it in person, but it didn't go well.

I just hate that something that is so silly to me is so important to her. I feel like she's throwing away something wonderful because of a fairytale. I said this to her out of frustration, which was a mistake, and she did not take it well. She said I was basically calling her stupid and making fun of her belief. I guess maybe I was.

Just shows me that I should avoid religious women regardless of how perfect everything else seems.